Why Circus

Circus arts date back to the very roots of modern civilization emerging more than 4,000 years ago. As such, circus arts are globally appreciated across divisions of age, gender, class and culture. 

Circus arts are truly encompassing and integrated, both demanding and training the coordinated focus of mind, body, and spirit. 

Modern research tells us that the brain is most readily able to build new neural pathways when both hemispheres of the brain are engaged in a meditative brainwave pattern. Circus arts stimulate this cross communication between brain hemispheres while inducing the correct meditative brainwave state for optimal training of neural pathways. 

Sure, you can go do a challenge course or take your team to a beach and walk on hot coals, but those are one-time experiences. Training neural pathways is like training a muscle, repeated stimulation is needed to effect the new skill and pattern building. Challenge courses are great but finite. Every employee can have three juggling balls sitting on their desk, ready anytime, for the multiple, consistent training sessions proven to retrain or build new neural pathways. 

Finally, circus arts are fun and safe. Our modern lives are filled with way too much stimulation and the accompanying deleterious effects of too many stress hormones coursing through our veins. Circus arts calm, soothe, and focus the mind in a way that is fun, emotionally rewarding, and totally safe.