Elevate Your Feedback?

As individuals, feedback loops within the brain serve to reinforce positive or negative experiences that can affect our state of mental and emotional well being from feeling calm and happy to feeling anxious and stressed. The brain is so powerful, and these feedback pathways are so effective, that they can dictate our physical reality, by supporting or detracting from our health and even amplifying or mitigating something as severe as chronic pain. These feedback loops can influence how we interact with the world around us and whether or not we achieve our desired outcomes in life.
Feedback loops within group dynamics can have a profound effect on  how well the group works together to achieve shared goals. Everyday, we learn more about the incredible neuroplasticity of the brain and how we can become increasingly skillful in building positive, helpful neural feedback loops to replace neural pathways that are negative or not helpful.  We also know more than ever about how to build foundations of trust within groups so that teams can work well together, with all individuals feeling valued and excited to contribute their best effort.

Elevate your feedback and achieve your goals!